Final Schedule of Inner Dances in Cairo


Final Schedule of Inner Dances in Cairo

Inner Dance

A process of knowing, being and doing. It’s a healing modality and a moving meditation. It is a question, an answer, a way to release blockages in the body. It is fluid and yet has no form. There are no rules. It can be static. It can be dynamic. Movement is optional. Your dance is your own; it will be whatever it needs to be.

To Book: 0101 348 0974

Inner Dance & Ashtanga Yoga in Gouna, Egypt, April 24-26



Gouna Workshop kaz and imanJoin Amy and I for the Gouna Weekend Workshop on April 24-26. Beautiful Gouna is located on the Red Sea in Egypt.

@ Insight Counseling and Integrative Health
Thursday, April 24: Opening Circle/Introductory Class 7pm
Friday, April 25: Yoga Class 10am, Inner Dance 7pm
Saturday, April 26: Yoga Class 10am, Inner Dance 12n

Move to Your Own Beat


When you really give yourself space, when you give yourself room to breathe, something magical inevitably happens, something moves and flows.

It may be spontaneous dancing, a sigh, a cry or a song. It may be very quiet, a tear drop rolling off the cheek. Whatever it is, let it come and then let it go…

Photo: Shifo enjoying a solitary boogie during our Ashtanga Retreat in the White Desert a couple of weekends ago.

Iman Elsherbiny and I are in Cairo this weekend, teaching Ashtanga and Inner Dance workshops near City View. To join or for more information please contact Mariam Sobhy on 01001188660. 

Ashtanga and Inner Dance, Weekend Workshop, April 11-12


Ashtanga and Inner Dance, Weekend Workshop, April 11-12

Happy to be offering more inner dance as a compliment to the yoga practice this weekend.

Come and explore the ashtanga yoga practice with Iman Elsherbiny, then open to the flow of your own intuitive wisdom with Inner Dance, a moving meditation and healing modality from the Philippines.

For full details, see poster.


Flow to Your Heart Beat, Inner Dance Workshop, Friday, April 4


Flow to Your Heart Beat, Inner Dance Workshop, Friday, April 5

Friday, April 4, 11am-1pm
Shanti Yoga
22 Obour Buildings, Salah Salem Road, Heliopolis, Cairo
0112 501 0509

A process of knowing, doing and being. Inner Dance is a moving meditation coming from the Philippines. It’s principles, however, are universal: we are all energy, we are full of infinite possibility.

Inner Dance can help us relax, remove physical and emotional blockages and understand our deep internal processes.

No experience required. Movement optional.

Kaz Castillo is a traveling yoga teacher and inner dance facilitator. Over the last year, she has been sharing ashtanga yoga and inner dance in the Philippines, Japan, Spain and Egypt. Having drunk from the Nile, she returns to Cairo this month to expand the inner dance experience in communities like Shanti Yoga in Heliopolis.

Inner Dance in the Desert & in Cairo Saturday 22 March


Inner Dance in the Desert & in Cairo Saturday 22 March

Very excited to return to Egypt. Before going into the desert, will spend a week in Cairo and offer Inner Dance and privates.

First offering is on 22 March, 5-7pm Inner Dance Workshop at Ashtanga Yoga Cairo in Zamalek.

To reserve a spot for either the desert retreat or Inner Dance, message me at

If you are ready to pay for your deposit for the Desert Retreat, contact Yasmine Rifaat, our Cairo coordinator, on Facebook.

Danza Interioir en La Floresta // Inner Dance in La Floresta


Danza Interioir en La Floresta // Inner Dance in La Floresta

INNER DANCE – DANZA INTERIOR es una practica que tiene el proposito de ayudar el ser humano a desmantelar patrones de pensamientos y comportamientos, alcanzar la expanción interior y cultivar una relación sana con el YO, su entorno y el planeta.

A través de la ciencia de la musica, la vibración y la meditación en movimiento, utilizaremos esta poderosa practica con el objetivo de cambiar y eliminar bloqueos físicos, mentales y emocionales de nuestro cuerpo energético.

La musica y la conexión con el nuestro interior, nos permitirá observar los movimientos sin pensar. La danza no tiene una estructura, forma o reglas. La danza puede ser dinámica o estática, silenciosa o ruidosa, suave o intensa. Cada danza es una apertura y una invitación al aprofundamiento personal y universal a la vez.

La practica será impartida en LA FLORESTA – BARCELONA, por KAZ CASTILLO.

16 Febrero, Domingo

11:00h – Encuentro.
14:00h – Comida.
15:30h – Paseo en el bosque de Collserola.

Aportación: 12,00 euros

Comida: Invitamos a cada participante traer comida para compartir.


Lugar: La Floresta – Barcelona
Punto de encuentro: Estación de Ferrocarriles – La Floresta (FGC)
Hora de encuentro: 11:00 – Se ruega puntualidad.

Para más información e inscripción llamar al teléfono:
639 059 919

o escribir un correo a :
(Las plazas son limitadas que se reservarán por orden de inscripción)

To JOIN or see FB EVENT details:

Inner (Dance) Thanksgiving



It was a soft inner dance last night in Shanti Yoga Cairo in Heliopolis, my second offering at the space that regularly holds meditation classes every Thursday evening.

Soft and subtle, there was little movement–externally anyway. And as a facilitator, I have to remind myself that the moving meditation doesn’t require getting people to stand up and boogie. That there are all kinds of movement, many of which we cannot see. This process is so deeply internal. I continue to be surprised by it, where it goes for each participant.

When we reentered the circle the share there was weightlessness and relief from suffering, exploration of gravity, a delineation of mind and body, a release of emotion, and a timeless sense of being. Connecting us all: a deep sense of gratitude for the experience. When we look beneath the surface there is so much to be thankful for.

The cosmic party was still on, just only very privately!

Hope more will join next time! There will be at least one more Inner Dance in Cairo, Thursday, December 12, 7pm in Ashtanga Yoga Cairo in Zamalek.

Inner Dance, Inner Movement in Cairo



Inner dance is never easy to explain. The lightness in the body. The cosmic party as you dance with yourself. Something, however little, however quiet, moves.

I received an email today from a participant from last Thursday’s ID offering in Heliopolis (Shanti Yoga), who moved a little physically but felt a big shift within. He described the experience as moving, that the session was like a helpful push to restart a stalled vehicle.

Sometimes we feel broken. Our environment, our culture, our own expectations play upon us. Our mechanisms get rusty or ill used. Imbalances occur. The body suffers. And we identify so much with our physical pains, our frayed nerves, our sad feelings.

This makes me recall a chant that I love to sing:

so ham, so ham
so ham shivo ham
I am not my body,
my body is not me

so ham, so ham
so ham shivo ham
I am not my mind,
my mind is not me

so ham, so ham
so ham shivo ham
I am not my ego
my ego is not me

“So ham”, like “tat tvam asi”, means “I am That” — That which is unchanging, unlimited and eternal.

What would our lives be like if we could identify with That, if we saw That in ourselves, in all our fellow human beings and co-habitors in this planet, how would we live our lives like then? How could we not honor and love ourselves and each other?

Photo: Beautiful bronze. Sculpture by Nathan from Atelier de Nathan at Darb compound in Old Cairo.

Inner Dance & Slippers for Storm Victims



Haiyan, one of the strongest storms to make landfall, may have passed the Philippines, but the devastation it left in its wake is just heart-breaking.

I feel very blessed that my family in Manila are safe. And that Boracay Island and the many friends who live there have been spared despite being on the projected path of the storm.

Unfortunately, other parts of the Visayas region has not been so lucky. The death toll is still rising. Many thousands have lost their homes and all their belongings, they are without food and basic resources.

It is so inspiring to see so many organizations and individuals mobilizing good intentions into true acts of love. Been thinking of how to help from Cairo. A very reliable and dear friend is raising money to buy a 1000 slippers for storm victims who have lost everything.

So in the interest of helping people stand, walk and restart their lives in this small and simple way, I am going to donate the proceeds of the first Inner Dance offering here in Cairo to slippers for storm victims. Hoping that there will be more opportunities to share and raise funds.

Inner Dance is a healing modality and a moving meditation coming from the Philippines.

I look forward to sharing it this Thursday at Shanti Yoga Cairo (SYC), Heliopolis, 7:30pm.